
Module Contents

class geoform.form.BBoxValidator

Bounding-Box validator which succeeds if the bbox value has the format minx,miny,maxx,maxy and values are in range (-180 <= x <=180, -90 <= y <=90).

class geoform.form.URLValidator(allowed_schemes=None)

URL validator which can configured with allowed URL schemes.

class geoform.form.TextValidator(restricted_chars=None)
class geoform.form.FileUploadValidator(storage, max_size)

Runs all validators for file upload checks.

class geoform.form.FileFormatAllowedValidator(storage)

File format extension is allowed.

class geoform.form.FileSizeLimitValidator(storage, max_size=2)

File size limit validator.

You can configure the maximum size by setting the max_size option to the maximum number of megabytes that you want to allow.