
This installation works on Linux 64-bit (Ubuntu 14.04, Centos 6, …). It might still work on MacOSX but packages are updated only from time to time. Most of the dependencies come from Anaconda Python distribution system. Additional conda packages come from the Binstar channel Birdhouse. The installation is done with Buildout.

Phoenix uses WPS processes provided by Malleefowl. As a requiste you should install a local Malleefowl WPS (this will become part of the Phoenix installer). Alternatively you could configure the WPS URL of a running Malleefowl WPS instance in the Phoenix custom.cfg.

To install Malleefowl follow the instructions given in the Malleefowl documentation. In short:

$ git clone
$ cd malleefowl
$ make clean install

Now start with downloading Phoenix with sources from github:

$ git clone
$ cd pyramid-phoenix

For install options run make help and read the documention for the Makefile.

Before installation you need to create a password for the local phoenix user which is used to login to the Phoenix web application:

$ make passwd
Generate Phoenix password ...
Enter a password with at least 8 characters.
Enter password:
Verify password:

Run 'make install restart' to activate this password.

Optionally take a look at custom.cfg and make additional changes. When you’re finished, run make clean install to install Phoenix:

$ make clean install

You always have to rerun make update after making changes in custom.cfg.

After successful installation you need to start the services. All installed files (config etc …) are below the conda environment birdhouse which is by default in your home directory ~/.conda/envs/birdhouse. Now, start the services:

$ make start    # starts supervisor services
$ make status   # shows status of supervisor services

Phoenix web application is available on http://localhost:8081.

Check the log file for errors:

$ tail -f  ~/birdhouse/var/log/supervisor/phoenix.log
$ tail -f  ~/birdhouse/var/log/supervisor/celery.log

Run Docker

Set the HOSTNAME environment variable (not localhost) and run docker-compose:

HOSTNAME=phoenix HTTP_PORT=8081 HTTPS_PORT=8443 SUPERVISOR_PORT=9001 docker-compose up